The goal of an employer branding audit is to identify how your company's perception (both positive and negative) is impacting everything from your candidate pool to your retention statistics. Despite the intenseness of the word "audit", it's really just a reflection exercise that will help you get real about your company's current image and the areas in which you need better alignment with cultural realities.
Here are 22 questions that will help you understand and better articulate the intersection between your employer brand, culture, and employee experience.
Example questions for an internal employer brand audit
Who is currently responsible for your hiring?
How many new employees have you hired in the last 6 months?
How many new employees are you planning to hire in the next year?
Where are you finding a majority of your candidates?
How are potential candidates finding you?
Think about your best employees. How did you connect with them?
Have you extended offers to candidates that weren’t accepted?
Employer Branding
Have you heard the term employer branding?
What does the phrase employer branding mean to you?
What is your definition or understanding of employer branding?
How would you describe _______’s current employer brand?
How would other members of your team describe your employer brand?
What is your current employer branding strategy?
How much importance do you personally place on _______ being a “Great Place To Work?”
How much value do you see in a strong employer brand?
What value do you think a strong employer brand provides?
When was the last time you got a company-wide temperature read on employee happiness and engagement?
How important is retention to the company?
How do you currently support retention?
How many employees have left the company in the last 6 months?
How big was the impact of these employees leaving?
What are some of the reasons you believe these employees left?
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